For every profession, beginners or newbies usually encounter one problem or the other that discourages them; in fishing, the same principle applies. If you are fishing for the first time, one of the factors that would discourage you is the process of spooling your fishing reel. If you want to learn how to spool a reel, this guide provides all you need to know.
It would interest you to know that spooling a fishing reel is an essential skill you must learn and master. And the tips mentioned in this guide are not only for beginners but for seasoned experts as well. It is imperative to know that the spooling of your reel is a big determinant of how successful your fishing would be.
Also, it determines your line’s durability. When you skillfully spool your reel, you are increasing your chances of getting big fishes in the water. On the other hand, a poorly spooled reel will leave you with nothing. And to avoid this unpleasant occurrence, this guide promises to walk you through from start to finish.
Steps to Spooling a Spinning Reel
1st Step
The first step to take is to know your reel’s spool capacity by using the pound test/line test to determine the line you will use. The pound test is used to determine the strength of your fishing line using pounds as the metrics. Hence, it is the most massive weight your line can grip before it breaks.
In knowing how to spool a fishing reel, it is essential to know your spool capacity to avoid a decline in line retrieval. Also, when the line is too much, it could cause a defective casting performance. More so, your line could be laced with knots and twists.
If you are getting a new reel that comes spooled, it is best to replace it with the line you prefer. Sometimes, an already-spooled reel might either not be sufficient or overboard for your fishing needs.
2nd Step
The truth is, several ways help you on how to spool a reel. With the traditional method, you can attach it to your rod, and run the line via the line guides from the spool all the way to the reel. Many anglers do not use the traditional method anymore because there is an improved one which would be discussed shortly.
The latest and arguably the best method for spooling a reel is to pass the line via the eyelets, while the bail is opened, to the reel spool. You can decide to place the line spool on the floor or have someone hold it for you while you spool your reel.
One of the reasons why people allow the label to face out on the bar is because they want the spool to rotate effortlessly. However, the downside of this method is, there would be a massive line twist on the reel’s spool, and this is not good. However, with the method as mentioned above, you will not encounter line twist on your reel.
3rd Step
There is a plethora of knotting methods to hold the line to the spool. However, the most common way is using the arbor knot method. You can integrate this method by wrapping the line’s tag end around the spool, and it should be done twice before you tie the arbor knot. Then, after wrapping twice, you will undoubtedly have many lines to use, and it is crucial to ensure the tag end is neat.
When you tie the arbor knot, it becomes easier to cut off any additional line. After this, attach the line to the spool with fluorocarbon and monofilament. Some spool spinning reels were not structured to have the direct braid attachment. For such spools, many yards of mono backing is needed. Connect the mono and spool using an arbor knot. Then, fix the braid to the monofilament’s end.
4th Step
After the line has been attached firmly, shut the bail and draw the line for proper tightening of the knot. While you are doing this, it is best to allow the line to run through the spool taut. And at this point, the significant workload is to step-down the volume of line twist.
As the reel and the rod face out in the normal positioning, observe the turning direction of your rotor and bail. For most reels, it would most likely be in the clockwise direction. Hence, you will typically want the line to get off the spool anticlockwise in the opposite direction.
The vast majority of line producers know that the line will get off the spool anticlockwise, and the spool’s face will be in your direction. If this is not the case, turn the spool to position the back face in your direction. Alternatively, you can allow anyone to hold the spool or put it in front of you on the ground. As far as the line gets off in the opposite course and the bail rotates, you are good to go.
5th Step
When the line has been reeled into the spool, ensure the line remains tight while it leaves the spool and comes in your direction. To reduce the line twist, it is best to spool in the default direction of the reel.
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6th Step
At this point, you should be careful not to over-spool because this is where several people make mistakes. Avoid putting many lines on the reel, so that it doesn’t extend the spool’s lip. This would prevent you from having small bunches of tangles and knots.
7th Step
After the reel has been spooled, it is up to you to store the reel according to your discretion. You can decide to take out the parts and keep them separately, or you store them as a whole in a safe place.
Factors to Consider Before Buying a Reel
1. Freshwater or Saltwater
Before you buy a reel, it is vital to find out if you will be fishing in freshwater or saltwater. If you are fishing in freshwater, you don’t have anything to worry about as you can use any reel. On the other hand, the case is different with saltwater. You need to be selective if you will be fishing more in saltwater and hence, you need a top-notch reel.
You must make sure any reel you get is resistant to corrosion. More so, you have to ensure that your reel is sturdy enough to successfully wade off strong aquatic creatures in the water. Buying the wrong fixed spool reel for unsuitable water conditions would make you replace your fishing reels regularly.
2. Weight
The last thing you want when you are fishing is to be burdened with additional weight. You could be susceptible to injuries and fatigue when you are fishing. Hence, it is best to use a light reel that would not constitute a burden to your arms. With this, you will still feel relaxed after spending several hours reeling and casting.
3. Drag System
If you want to choose a drag system, you can opt for either the spring and pawl drag system, caliper system and disc drag system. Also, you can use adjustable, older drag systems. The spring and pawl system is a drag system with a spring that pushes the pawl onto the gear situated on the fishing reel spooler.
With this, friction is produced. The spring and pawl system is commonly used for freshwater fishing. The disc system works with a large pad, and it uses it to push the braking surface of the spool. This facilitates direct pressure which ensures the efficiency and control are at the peak. The disc drag system uses synthetic or cork materials.
If you are a regular angler, the disc system is perfect for you. The Caliper system is a combination of the spring and pawl system and the disc drag system. The Caliper system functions with a pad that applies a direct force on the braking surface of the spool. With this, the spin of the reel spoon slows down.
4. Reel Quality
It is essential to note that if you want to buy a quality reel, you need to pay more money. You can find a good deal for an inexpensive reel. However, it is usually the higher you pay, the more quality you get. Also, you can be sure that your reel would be durable and the parts would be long-lasting. If you are not a regular angler, you can go for a mid-price reel that would not cost you much.
5. Gear Ratio
If your reel operates faster, it will be weaker, and the opposite applies if it runs slower. If you want to buy a reel, it is crucial to confirm its gear ratio. The gear ratio of a reel is the number of periods when a spool turns until the handle makes a full circle.
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Having gone through the steps on how to spool a reel, it is imperative to know that you can have a professional do it for you. More so, you must consider all the factors listed in this guide so that you will get the reel that is perfect for your needs. If you don’t know how to spool a reel, it is vital to reach out to a professional for help.